wechange eG

Connecting citizens.
Promote engagement.

With a community portal for your city or region

The future is digital. But you don't have to wait for tomorrow. We support you in taking the next step on the way to becoming a smart community. Network, work together and shape your home together - with a community portal, the digital future in your city or region can be a success today.

Young woman pours older woman some lemonade in a glass on a festive table

For smart cities
and all who want to become one

Promote exchange & participation

Your citizens are the focus. You can use the forum to enter into dialogue with them and enable them to exchange ideas with one another. You can invite them to participate and help shape specific projects in private and public spaces. They can also make their own suggestions using the ideas function.

A toolbox for your clubs

Whether cloud, chat, video conferencing, calendar or document editing – your clubs can use these and many more features free of charge and securely in closed rooms. Thanks to your portal, they are no longer dependent on different providers with non-transparent tariffs and data practices for effective online collaboration.

More visibility for volunteers

All clubs and initiatives have their own information page where they can introduce themselves and their activities. The map of your portal shows the full range of volunteer work in your region. All users can browse the map and contact other actors to network.

Busstop with Ad for talent contest on a communityportal in Kiel

„Auf [unserem Community-Portal] MokWi bekommen Projekte und Veranstaltungen Sichtbarkeit. Akteur:innen können sich vernetzen und gemeinsame Ideen und Herausforderungen diskutieren. Projektteams können sich im Arbeitsbereich einfach und kostenlos organisieren.“

Kim Strupp – KielRegion GmbH, Head of the MokWi project

Municipal × Digital = Community portal

We know the classic requirements of municipalities and are prepared for them.

GDPR compliant Open-Source Secure

  • We attach great importance to data protection. User data is not shared or monetized, nor are there any external trackers or advertising tools. Our servers are located in Germany and Finland. Your data does not leave the EU, but remains under your control.
  • The code of our products is open source (License AGPL 3.0), because we believe that software should be a common good.
  • Our community portals and internal processes meet strict security requirements, e.g. through strong access control, secure data transfer, encryption or daily backups. This is confirmed by a certificate from TÜV Nord for our information security management system (ISO 27001).
Person hält Smartphone mit WECHANGE Login Screen
Pexels Cottonbro 4065877 Mockup Rc Quadrat

Customizable Expandable Integrable

  • Our portals are very flexible and therefore suitable for various use cases. We adapt the functionality and design to your requirements and specifications.
  • If the current range of functions is not sufficient, we can program new features for you as part of our agile product development process.
  • Our community portals can be connected to other systems via the REST API or single sign-on. This makes administration easier for you and usage easier for your users.

Accompanied Hosted Supported

  • We attach great importance to close cooperation and personal exchange with you. That's why we clarify your requirements and goals together right at the beginning in an initial workshop.
  • So that you don't have to worry about installing and maintaining the software yourself, we offer you our cloud hosting - at fair prices, with green electricity and of course GDPR compliant. You can choose the domain freely.
  • We are constantly developing the software, closing security gaps and keeping your portal up to date with regular updates. If something still doesn't work, our support team is there to help you.
Zwei personen besprechen etwas mit Tablet in der Hand

Engagement matching included

Our community portals can be customized with a variety of extensions and features equipped - one of them is the Volunteer-O-Matic. With the integrated engagement matching tool, you help the clubs and initiatives on your platform to gain more growth. At the same time, you offer your citizens a playful and low-threshold entry - both into engagement and into your portal.

Would you like to learn more?

Contact us to receive further information and materials about our products without obligation. We would also be happy to introduce you to the structure and functions of our community portals in person in a video call.

Person typewriting on a Laptop.